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Image by Marvin Meyer

Divemaster Course

Starting from 3,500 QR

You can become a leader and motivate others by becoming a Divemaster. You will gain dive knowledge, a role model to divers around the world and supervision abilities.

Dive master

Suitable for Divers

Dive Master Course

Passion for water sports? Then become a PADI Divemaster! Take charge of your aquatic adventures with this great opportunity. As an experienced instructor, you'll be able to lead divers in various activities like scuba diving or snorkeling among others while also assisting newbies on these expeditions and teaching classes at any time that suits them best - all without forgetting about yourself because we understand how important it can get when working together as one dive team (teamwork!).

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The PADI Divemaster course teaches you how to be a leader and take charge of dive activities. Through knowledge development sessions, waterskills exercises and workshops as well as hands-on practical assessment that covers topics like organization skills for underwater adventures; this program will provide students with all they need in order lead scuba diving trips safely!

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Two Scuba Divers

Through the course you will learn

The characteristics and roles of PADI Divemaster

Assisting student divers and supervising diving activities

Risk management and diver safety

Specialized skills and dive master programs conducted

Awareness of the dive environment

Dive management and setup

You will also learn

Mapping of an open water dive site

Conducting dive briefings

Organizing a deep dive, recovery project and a search

Conducting skin diver course and scuba review

Leading discover local diving programs and Discover Scuba Diving

About the course

The PADI Introduction to Divemaster program is designed for anyone who wants a behind-the-scenes look at what it takes become an active member of the diving community. Whether you're just starting out, looking ahead or have some time on your hands - this free course can get you set up with everything from finding that perfect mask and pair of fins all the way down underwater protection!

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